Life is far to short…
How much wasted energy do we spend on this list? Feeling mad, sad, holding regret, looking back, anxiety, depression, being unkind, and/or holding hatred?
All of these feelings drain so much energy. By holding on to these, it creates the negativity inside of you. This negativity becomes the cancer that invades your happiness.
In order to begin your happiness journey you have to learn to let these go. It’s not an easy feat. Start one at a time. Some days when you think you have gotten rid of that feeling, it can creep it’s ugly head back. You will have to squash it and work on getting rid of it again. It will be a life battle, but as you learn to control it, it becomes easier and easier to manage.
For me, I struggle with forgiveness. Some days I’m ok, then other days I get mad again and have to remember to forgive. Forgiveness is one of my energy suckers. I have many, but this one creeps back up on me again and again. It comes from the anger I hold towards my biological father. For him being absent in my sister’s life and my life. For not helping support us when we were kids. For the way that everything else was more important than us. For the way he treated us as kids. When I feel that anger creeping up again, I have to remember to forgive. And the act of forgiveness is for me. It helps clear places in my heart so I can fill it with love.
1 Kings 8:50 states ‘And forgive your people, who have sinned against you; forgive all the offenses they have committed against you…’. Daily work.
God does not want us to hold on to any of these energy suckers. He wants us live life to the fullest and fill our selves with His love. Once you get rid of one of the energy suckers, replace that with God’s love. Just ask Him to fill your heart where you made an opening. Make it apart of your daily prayer and ask Him to stay filled in those holes.
If you want to be happy and feel happy, do not let this list of energy suckers control your life. YOU are the only one that can change it. You owe that to yourself.
Life IS far too short to live in negativity. Everyday IS a new day. So start today. 🙂
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