New Year’s Resolutions
January 5th, 2014I hate New Year’s resolutions. No one ever follows thru with them. Well maybe some people do. But this year I decided to make a couple…
1. Financially get it together. We have had too many mishaps and many misfortunes this past year. We lost $29,000 on our house in Indiana. All of our profits. We had to get rid of the house and had to keep dropping the price….for a loss. We were struggling making both rent and mortgage payment after the move. It was the equivalent of 3 house payments because housing is so much more expensive in Seattle. Money we counted on. Gone…
Because of the move we racked up the credit cards and we were planning on paying them off with the profits of the house. So, now we are doing our best to make the payments and work on a solid financial plan for our family.
We have one kid starting college this fall and another next fall. Their father has shown no interest in helping to pay for any of their college costs, so it will fall all on Jon and myself. Ouch.
Let’s just say, I was SO glad 2013 was over. It was a financial nightmare for us. But we are survivors.
Financial Peace University here we come. Look into it. By Dave Ramsey. You’ll thank yourself.
2. I’m going to get in shape and lose a few pounds. I am TOTALLY being cliché by saying this . (insert eye roll) I know this sounds vain, but my 20-year high school reunion is coming up this summer and I want to look better than I look now. (OMG MY 20-YEAR HIGH SCHOOL REUNION – how am I old enough for this??)
I don’t think I have changed terribly that much. Most women put on a few pounds. Especially after having kids. There are some super hero women that just poof, and they are back to their original body type. I am not one of those women.
I have tried the P90X the past week, and all I can say is that every muscle in my body hurts. Ones I didn’t even know I had.
With the stress of moving here, I found comfort in food. I hope to lose the weight I gained with the stress eating, One day at a time. I will prevail.
3. The third one I will talk about next in the next blog.
Here’s to a Happy New Year to you and your families. May it be the best year yet. I already know this year will be the best. I have faith that God will help provide what we need…He is always faithful and He will show us the path to take. He has been placing these 3 resolutions on my heart. It’s time to follow His plan.